Thursday, 17 May 2012

now that i have had time to be happy...

So I know I posted not to long ago about being so excited about the news on lillie, and i still am... what is getting me now is really honestly what is this.... she is doing worse than ever and everything is coming back okaye.. why is this little body not absorbing the nourishment that she needs to help her grow.. like i posted in my post a couple times ago, she had dropped a FULL pound in 3 weeks ( please it takes her like 4 months to gain a pound, why is it so easy to loss it!?) which is what finally got the doctors worried.. but now thiat it is isnt syliac, what is it? Lillie has always had hard time gaining the weight she needed and always would loose some every so often, but usualy like 5-6oz.. and the doctors worried... this whole pound thing has got they really serious... but if it isnt this than what is it???

i have been racking my brain all day since i found out and i just dont get it. oh well i guess..

all i know is i wish something showed up for them to go off of. cause now we are at literally nothing. I guess i feel i should be used to this by now the whole no answer thing but when it is at the worst point for her she has ever been, i start to worry... what if they never figure it out?? shes gotten so small i even got to bring out some of her NEWBORN cloths again.. cause her 0-3's are to big.. sad.

oh well i guess this is my little rant... at this point we havent even got to make a apt back with the pedi cause he is still waiting on some stuff...

i know i sound silly. but i guess it comes with being a first time mother. i just wish there was more i could do.


Well after the longest 2 days of my life we got the call for the results of lillies blood work today...

EVERYTHING IS NOMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after 8 months of no good news i feel this is great! so glad she doesnt have syliac... (spelling sorry)

but with this AMAZING news comes the not great part. now we dont know what it is. so back to square one...


Monday, 14 May 2012


Well i didnt update really last time. but last time we went she weighed 13 pounds... we had to get her some physio, cause she is not where she should be developmentally where she should be.

so we went for a follow up today... and we hoped for some weight gain, since she hasnt been puking as much.. but she did her biggest drop.. she went from 13 exactly, to 12 exactly... thats a whole pound.... which isnt good. so now i have to take her for a bunch of tests. and blood work..... hopefully this will show something...

i just feel sooo bad for my little girl... i think it is unfair... oh well..

anywho thats lillie.. and the doctors are FINALLY concerned.. i guess that is the only good thing from all this.